Trend List

Documenting visual trends in graphic design since 2011.

Marie Lécrivain

From Belgium

Marie Lécrivain is a young graphic designer who graduated in 2012 from the École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, she is the founder of the FDDDL, Fonds de documentation et de lecture à l’ERG, a documentation, reading and resource fund run by students, and is also co-publisher at La Houle – an art and literature non profit press – along with translator Jean-François Caro.
She has collaborated with Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé, OK-RM, Westphalie Verlag, X Marks the Bökship, Damien Gernay, DCP Heikosuki. Her work focuses on the relations between language and typography, the translation of thoughts and ideas on transmission supports, and the multiplicity of dissemination and understanding processes. After she volunteered at St Bride Library, she has started a research on libraries and archives.

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